
Want to speak at Sheffield Devops?

We are always looking for speakers to talk at our meetups about Devops and related topics. This could also be a tutorial on using a technology, or a case study sharing experiences and lessons learned. We’re pretty flexible on the format, so let us know if you want to do something other than a 40 minute talk.


Our attendees have a mixture of experiences. Some are just starting their Devops journey, whereas others have been on it for years. Some of the attendees are technical, others are not. We recommend being clear in your talk description, and make sure it’s Devops related. You might want to check back through the talk abstracts from our past events.

We typically get between 20 and 40 attendees.


We aren’t expecting you to be a veteran conference speaker, infact we really like hearing new thoughts and ideas. If you feel confident enough to speak in front of the crowd, we’ll gladly help in any way we can.

Although we are happy to have out of town speakers, it’s really important to the group to have a representation of what is happening in Sheffield, so if you are Sheffield-based and have a tale to share, then please get in touch.

A quick note on the prickly subject of expenses. The meetup is organised by volunteers, but we are supported by the generosity of our sponsors. Unfortunately, this means we don’t have any funds to cover speaker expenses.


If you are intestested in speaking, or want to run an idea past us, then please get in touch with the organisers via email info@sheffielddevops.org.uk or Twitter @sheffieldDevops.